is there a way to search the forum?

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  • July 07, 2012 8:07 AM
    Reply # 999861 on 988943

    Just read your posting about how to search and better use the website.  I am computer challenged, and every time I go on the website, I think just what you asked.  I see that Jay responded and must have given you some info, but... don't know what he said!  Whadhesay?

    PS I am planning to replace my rudder cheeks right after next week's FL West Coast Rendezvous.  My intention is to take off what's left of one of the old ones and use it for a pattern.  I plan to use a 12'' wide oak board, instead of going to Indonesia for the teak.

    Drop me a note at  I do, at least, know how to use email (for the most part).
  • July 17, 2012 4:51 PM
    Reply # 1012447 on 988943
    Deleted user
    Few weeks ago, or maybe it was few months, someone has been describing a process of butchering the icebox in their W28. 

    I will be trying to install an Engel drop-in fridge into my icebox and some modifications will be required. I'd love to go back and read about the discovery path of dismantling of the icebox but can not find it anywhere on the forum.

    Can anyone help?

    Voytek, s/v Namaste
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