The WOA would like to thank Kirk Brown and Ron Elder for putting together items for the WOA store. Kirk has offered to warehouse, order and ship the orders.
Here is how to order.
Email or mail your order to Kirk Brown listing the item number/s, quantity and price.
Make your check out to WOA for the total amount and mail it to: (We are not accepting PayPal for the store)
Kirk Brown
PO Box 974
Idyllwild, CA 92549-0974
When your check is received, Kirk will mail your items and forward the check to Ron Elder for deposit. If you don't see an item - contact Kirk/Ron with your ideas for merchandise.
If you are outside the US, send an email to Kirk Brown with the item number/s, quantity and price to Kirk and he will get back to you on shipping costs.
The WOA offers the items below at a break even price which includes shipping and handling.
All prices are in USD and are subject to change without notice.
 Desc: Port Authority T-Shirt, Black,Sand, Red
Item: PC61
Price: $15 - $17
|  Desc: Port Authority hoddy, zipper
Item: PC78ZH
Price: $35 - $37 by size
|  Desc: Ladies Hoody, zipper
Item: DT801
Price: $32
Desc: Regular Hat Navy, Stone, Red
Item: CP84
Price: $18.00 |
Desc: Long bill hat
Item: SB101Stone
Item: SB101Navy
Price: $20.00 Each

Desc: Regular Hat Stone
Item: CWU
Price: $18.00
Desc: Ceramic coffee mug 11oz.
Item: XP8156R
Price: $10.00

Desc: Ceramic coffee mug 15 oz.
Item: XP8164R
Price: $10.00 |
 Desc: WOA Burgee
Item: Burgee
Price: $25.00
Desc: Hanes hoody
Color: Navy
Item: P170 M/L/XL Price: $30.00
Item: P170 XXL Price: $32.00
Desc: Hanes long-sleeve T-shirt
Color: Navy
Item: 5186 M/L/XL Price: $20.00
Item: 5186 XXL Price: $22.00
Desc: Hanes T-shirt
Color: White
Item: 5180 M/L/XL Price: $12.00
Item: 5180 XXL Price: $14.00
 Desc: Tote Bag
Price: $45
Not shown: Desc: Men's / Wome's Tank Top Color: Navy,White, Denim
Price: $14 - $17