Covid - Stay at Home/Boat

  • April 05, 2020 10:13 AM
    Message # 8879999

    Hi Westsail friends,

    How is everyone fairing with the stay at home/boat orders? Is anyone still out sailing?

    San Francisco Bay is very very quiet. Haven’t been sailing since the end of February. Just saw that San Diego bay has locked down all recreational boating.

    We hope everyone is staying safe, sane and sanitized!


    W32 Tortuga 


  • April 06, 2020 2:22 AM
    Reply # 8881060 on 8879999
    Deleted user

    Here in the UK the entire sailing community is either kept on shore if your boat is lifted out for the winter as all Marinas are closed with no boat movements or yachts  afloat are staying in port as the whole country is subject to a stay at home order. A few have ventured out into The Solent to be stopped by our marine police. It really does look like the summer is to be cancelled as here in the UK the virus is spreading and authorities struggle to contain it. My son lives in San Francisco and I hear sadly the situation in USA is no better. After a wet and stormy winter here in England the weather is now warm and settled and we are all stuck indoors! Yesterday The Queen went on TV and focussed the Nation on what's required to beat this virus. I'm staying at home and when we can finally get afloat it will feel  better than ever. Keep safe everyone.

  • April 06, 2020 9:12 AM
    Reply # 8881805 on 8879999

    I haven't been to the boat in about a week , when I was there I took the last TP roll . I saw a few people out sailing . As far as I know Long Beach Ca. harbors are open . I went to Westmarine about a week ago also , I was stopped at the door and I was asked what I wanted , they didn't have it . So I went home and went sailing  with Randy Leasure on Youtube , thanks Randy . Fortunately I took my name boards and pin rails/pins home so I have been working on them , need some more Cetol . I hope all is fine with everyone .

    Mark . Westsail 28 Patricia A


    1 file
    Last modified: April 06, 2020 9:22 AM | Anonymous member
  • April 06, 2020 2:26 PM
    Reply # 8882446 on 8879999

    Up here in Oregon our governor has also put out a “Stay at home” advisory.  Lucky for me that I live very close to our marina and boat. It is easy to get to the boat without getting near anyone.  So I do so nearly everyday.  Out on the river it is quite easy to extend the social distancing.  Especially at 7k.  Though I admit that Saraband was passed by a C&C 38 while close hauled at 6.4k.  The C&C kept about 100 yards off while doing so.  I appreciated that and wasn’t even to oppressed by the encounter as he had nice new “Black” sails and demonstrated 2 round-ups in his passing maneuvers.  Saraband simply showed them how to flatten the curve and kept tracking straight down the river.  ( AP wind at about 18k).  All in all this self quarantine business is working out pretty well and I continue to think about extending my social distancing practice to about 2090 nm.    Hope to see you all out there soon.   Dave

    Last modified: April 06, 2020 10:18 PM | Anonymous member
  • April 07, 2020 7:19 AM
    Reply # 8883596 on 8879999

    It seems that I have been preparing for a shut down for some time.  By that I mean that I have started a number of boat projects that needed to be finished.  The headliner and wiring are all done, I’m finishing glassing in the port scupper drains and placed my staysail boom rod (the original was only 1/2 inch and badly bent).  I’m not certain about recreational boating in the sound.  I will say that lake Washington is empty.


    2 files
  • April 08, 2020 6:56 PM
    Reply # 8888493 on 8879999

    Got out for a nice sail today 15 knots of wind from the north, so I headed south!  Just finished dinner in a nice quiet anchorage.  Self quarantined and Forgetting about the world for a couple days!

  • April 11, 2020 12:51 PM
    Reply # 8893801 on 8879999


    The quiet peaceful anchorage I mentioned on Wednesday evening..., fill in with 15 new arrivals as the sunset.  I spent the day Thursday at anchor cleaning the boat and fixing some of those little things I have been putting off for years.  Buy sunset Thursday the anchorage was getting crowded with more than 20 boats at anchor.  It looked more like a summer weekend than a April weekday.

    It seems like lots of people are making use of their time off and isolating on their boats during these sunny days we are having in the Seattle area!


  • April 11, 2020 6:02 PM
    Reply # 8894094 on 8879999

    Sounds like there’s still some folks out sailing! 

    Stay safe & sanitized everyone!


    W32 Tortuga


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