Vancouver Island Rendezvous? Anyone interested?

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  • November 11, 2011 6:01 PM
    Reply # 748039 on 747791
    Deleted user
    Stephen Wylie wrote:
    Bob Meade wrote:I think we would be interested, depending on the dates. We are in La Conner Wa. so aboot  7-8 hours away. I don't speak Canadien, is that a problem?

    That's okay y'all, I've spent time with Uh-mericans in the past, I can translate. 

    Regarding the pretty coloured monopoly money, the big number in the corner of the bill is the denomination. Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, they're the same size as yours, just different people on the "heads" side. As for the $1 and $2 coins - one colour, one dollar; two colours, two dollars. We call them Loonies (the bird on the tails side was originally a loon) and twoonies. And there is no chocolate under the gold foil...

    This'll help:

    FYI, most places will take your green paper at par, but you'll get Canuck bucks for change. 

    Cheers, eh?
    Loonies and Twoonies Huh- where do they make those coins anyway, Daffy Ducks basement? Too bad aboot the no chocolate in the foil part tho. Anyhoo let us know if the rondy works out and we will be there. We're heading into the Gulf Isl. this summer anyway so lets have a cold one- one way or another.
    What i love about Canada-
    Me-Where should I tie off my boat?
    Hatbormaster- Where is it tied off now?
    Me-End of the dock.
    Harbormaster- Dya like it there?
    Me- Ya
    Harbormaster- Then I.d leave it there.

    Pretty laid back I'd say.
  • November 13, 2011 10:53 AM
    Reply # 748956 on 746501
    Stephen Wylie wrote:I'm thinking of trying to organize a rendezvous next summer at the Brentwood Bay Resort and Marina, where I moor (and live aboard).

    There is a good pub steps away, fireworks on Saturday nights, Butchart Gardens is close by ( it's their fireworks), and there is a spa in the hotel for the ladies, a farmers market, local wineries, plus lots to see.  

    The marina is about an hour and a half sail from the bottom/south end of Salt Spring Island, close to a Gulf Islands getaway. See for more info on location. 

    No idea on costs yet, itinerary or raft-up ability...I'll leave this out here for a month or so and see what kind of interest there is.


    Stephen Wylie

    We would be interested depending on the date. We are located the in Indian Arm

    J best

    Eagle #470
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