David Wiencke wrote:
Jay Bietz wrote:
David Wiencke wrote:
I have a photo of that set-up on my boat. Not sure how to post it here. Is there a way??
I rigged it up after the first few times anchoring and finding the problem with "sailing" at anchor and especially the bobstay chafe. This cures both problems. The Pardey's described using this set-up on their first boat, even through a hurricane. I made a wooden ropestrop block that has worked well. I figure the rope strop absorbs some shock load and will certainly let go before the bowsprit gets pulled off taking the rig with it. Actually, with this set-up, the boat's whole rig acts to dampen any shockloads.
David: I just posted a how to at New Web Site - a copy and paste should work.
Thanks Jay. I tried the copy/paste from my computer before, which didn't work, and now I've uploaded the photos to the picasa site and it looks like it will work.
The set-up on Neverland: 50" of chain, 250" nylon rode, snubber attached with rolling hitch to rode (or chain), runs up through a block at end of bowsprit and back through hawspipe to samson post.

Here's a photo I saved from Dick's site when I was looking at how others had delt with the bobstay-chafe/sailing thing a few years back.

Our first sail with Neverland was down Chesapeake Bay with two days of 30-40kt winds and higher gusts coming right up the bay. Our second anchorage was protected from the wind by only a low thin strip of land and we were buffeted by gusts all night that heeled us way over and sailed us back and forth. Even with a snubber rigged similarly to Dick's picture above the rode was playing the bobstay like bow on a violin string. Not a good night's sleep. That's when I decided to try the block at the end of the bowsprit. Of course, we've rarely experienced such extreme anchoring conditions since, but I'm very happy with the set-up.