Looking for a picture of an emerald green Westsail 32

  • May 13, 2011 3:04 PM
    Message # 590827
    Deleted user

    This query is a little complicated. I wrote a novel, Nightmare Voyage and the main charater is  a sailing charter captain who has an emerald green Westsail 32. I know that is not a stardard color, but I own a navy blue Pacific Seacraft 31 and though it would be fun to have Capt Linda (my heroine) have a similiar boat, but a different color. Anyway, part of this whole thing was based on reverance for the late Bill Creelock, who all of us owe a huge debt of gratitude to, for designing both boats. (By the way, I circunavigated on mine, thanks Bill). So, I am looking for a picture of an emerald green Westsail 32 that I can show my fans, so they can have an appreciation for what a great boat Dark & Stormy (the Westsail 32 in my novels) is. Can anyone help? Please E-mail me  at captmarlena@yahoo.com


    Capt. Marlena

  • May 13, 2011 7:52 PM
    Reply # 590928 on 590827
    Deleted user
  • May 13, 2011 8:02 PM
    Reply # 590930 on 590827
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    From Westsails at play

    Werner - nice catch... here is the thumb nail.

    Capt. Marlena - another thought is to find the WS 32 image you like and have a Computer Graphic Artist (ie not me) change the hull color to what ever you want - now days pretty simple.   Also when you book is released - I'd be happy to add a link to our site for our members to purchase etc.


    Last modified: May 13, 2011 8:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • May 14, 2011 3:54 AM
    Reply # 591065 on 590827
    Deleted user

    Hi Jay,

    Some years ago, there was a beautiful emerald green W32 out of Annapolis belonging to Jerry, whose last name I can't remember. Great guy I met at a roundup in Solomons Island about 10 years ago. Maybe Abel Dominguez knows the boat.


    Last modified: May 14, 2011 3:54 AM | Deleted user
  • May 14, 2011 8:40 AM
    Reply # 591233 on 591065
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Werner Hamp wrote:

    Hi Jay,

    Some years ago, there was a beautiful emerald green W32 out of Annapolis belonging to Jerry, whose last name I can't remember. Great guy I met at a roundup in Solomons Island about 10 years ago. Maybe Abel Dominguez knows the boat.


    My first and only sail boat was a Cal 24 with shoal draft keel and swing center board on a trailer - it had a emerald green hull also -- hand painted and it did look good - but I've also had comments that cruising in hot climates - the darker decks and hull make for it hotter inside the boat.


  • May 14, 2011 2:17 PM
    Reply # 591343 on 590827
    Deleted user
    That looks like Galena sailed out of Chesapeake area by Bill Shaw, currently in Cartagena, Columbia. More photos on his website; http://www.sv-galena.com/
  • June 12, 2011 9:51 AM
    Reply # 619543 on 590827
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bill Shaw has posted more images of his Galena W32 and her green hull... I've added the photo's to the front of Galena in Westsails at play  slide show - in the member only section.

    Last modified: June 12, 2011 9:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • June 19, 2011 11:15 AM
    Reply # 625200 on 590827
    Deleted user
    Lots of new pictures on his blog site. He just went through the canal and is now in a new ocean, soon heading for the South Seas. Ken
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