Looking to buy a Westsail 32 on the west coast USA

  • July 10, 2014 12:06 PM
    Message # 3043145
    Deleted user

    I have sailed the west coast before from Eureka to San Diego and find it amazing each time.

    I am a disabled veteran with a guaranteed income needing a place to live.  I can afford to make payments over time but I don’t have the means for a down payment or to purchase the boat out rite. Lending institutions do not lend money for older boats otherwise I would get a loan and pay the bank.

     I can agree to substantial payments of up to $1600.00 per month if you could afford financing the sale.

    I have verifiable income all tax free from the VA, to set up EFT directly to you. If you think this is something you can do, I will make plans to come see the boat and make a formal offer.

    Thank you for your time

    David Nicol

    775 657 0332

  • July 10, 2014 3:21 PM
    Reply # 3043259 on 3043145
    Deleted user


    You might look into credit unions (they have some good programs) but be careful (they do not work the same as a bank, on the pay ahead thing = must make "at least one" payment every month) or pay it all off.

    Best direction for you, is to get a loan (if you have OK credit and do a bit more research) you may come up with a winner ! also documented vessels may be a bit easier to get a loan on.

    In any case

    Best of luck

    Oh David: If you are Disabled (I am not sure you know what you are getting into, sailing can be a handful) but if it is a mental impairment,  you should fit right in. Within the sailing community, most are pretty open minded and do march to their own drum.

    Lastly: if you think you can pay 1.6K for a 40K Boat and sail off to (Tonga or ?) here is hoping that the seller is a little wiser than that.

    Last modified: July 10, 2014 3:47 PM | Deleted user
  • July 11, 2014 6:35 AM
    Reply # 3043548 on 3043145
    Deleted user

    Thank you Norm for your good advice, I know it will be a challenge to work out the details but owning a Westsail has been a dream of mine for a while now.

    I'm saving every thing I can in the mean time.

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