Replacing forward bulkhead in a 32

  • January 18, 2024 7:51 AM
    Message # 13302742
    Deleted user

    Good morning, I just bought a 1979 Westsail 32.  The v berth bulkhead is completely rotten and fell apart.  How do you glass in the front of the plywood, the side facing the bow.  There is no deck access to get to that side of the bulkhead.  How do  I handle that?  Thought about climbing under the bulkhead to glass it in.  Thank you in advance for your ideas.

  • January 18, 2024 7:11 PM
    Reply # 13303068 on 13302742
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Tracy:

    In 2017, I had to replace the bulkhead which is also part of the chain locker area on my W32. 

    Please review these pictures of the project in my google album. 

    What I found is that the water/rotting was cause by the samson posts leaking through the deck -- which also rotting out the decks plywood core :(. I replaced the wood samson posts with Buds stainless steel bolt on samson posts. 

    I used marine grade plywood (takes about 1/2 of a 4x4 sheet) and had enough of the original bulkhead to use as a pattern. 

    I'll keep an eye on this topic if you have questions after reviewing the album. 

    Where is your boat located?  if in the SF bay area - I can drop by. 

    Also this is alot of work!! 

    Fair Winds

    Jay Bietz 

    WOA web master

    Last modified: January 18, 2024 7:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • April 21, 2024 8:13 AM
    Reply # 13346153 on 13302742

    Hi Jay, I am also in the process of replacing the chain locker bulkhead and replacing my bowsprit. I also have some rot in the fore deck - probably as much as you had. Love the idea to repair from below like you did. I also would like to eliminate the deck penetrations for the samson posts by using the SS samson posts. I have talked to some people who think its critical for the samson posts to tie into the bulkhead for the strength of the rig. Do you have any comments for that? I have considered tabbing the new bulkhead to the bottom of the deck which theoretically would make this a structural connection between the posts/deck/bulkhead. Also, do you know anyone who has used the SS samson posts with a wood bowsprit?

    And Tracy - I am working on the same project - I ground out the fiberglass tabs at the aft of the bulkhead and left the forward tabs in place. When I get to it, I'll secure the new bulkhead to the tabs with thickened epoxy, and then lay in layers of fiberglass tape with epoxy over the front of the remaining tabs. I'll may new tabs on the vberth side with epoxy and tape.

  • April 24, 2024 3:52 PM
    Reply # 13347828 on 13302742
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Jay - I'll answer below. 

    "Hi Jay, I am also in the process of replacing the chain locker bulkhead and replacing my bowsprit. I also have some rot in the fore deck - probably as much as you had. Love the idea to repair from below like you did. I also would like to eliminate the deck penetrations for the samson posts by using the SS samson posts. I have talked to some people who think its critical for the samson posts to tie into the bulkhead for the strength of the rig. Do you have any comments for that?"

    I'm not an engineer and all my advise needs to be carefully reviewed and followed as you wish.

     IMHO the changes/additions I made on Pygmalion to the hull/deck joint plus the backing plates plus the SS bolt to the SS bowsprit plus the new bulkhead of sound 3/4 marine plywood and tabbed all around to the deck and hull is at least equal to what I had from the factory. 

    As I recall on Pygmalion the original wood samson posts were bolted to the wood bowsprit and poorly attached to the bulk head which was also poorly tabbed into the hull and deck. 

    I also posted many pics here of the project.  

    "I have considered tabbing the new bulkhead to the bottom of the deck which theoretically would make this a structural connection between the posts/deck/bulkhead." I agree

    "Also, do you know anyone who has used the SS samson posts with a wood bowsprit?"

    No - Please look at the album "Things that Break"  there are several pics of wood bowsprits which have failed.

    I hope this helps - 


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