Westsail 32 "Second Wind" is for Sale

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  • September 03, 2020 12:59 PM
    Message # 9210261
    Deleted user

    Like most boat owners, age has caught up with me and I find it a sad necessity to put Second Wind up for sale.  Second Wind was an unfinished kit boat, Hull Number WSSK 02961074 (USCG Doc. #631003) that I acquired from the original owner’s estate in 2005.  I had her transported from a field near Saginaw, Mi, to a barn in Warren, OH, for a seven-year restoration consuming over 4500 hours.  In 2010 the boat was then transported once more to Port Clinton, OH, for final fitting out.  

    I chose to make her as traditional as practical for coastal cruising, with minimal DC power requirements and mostly manual systems. The upper hull and coach roof was insulated with 1/2” foam under ceiling strips and custom overhead v-grooved panels.  Laminated coachroof beams were laid up and installed; custom dinette table, wine rack, teak & holly companionway ladder, medicine cabinet, shelving, plate and glass rack, oil lamp brackets, insulated ice box, navigation station, and aft galley and nav station bulkheads were all fabricated.  I fitted her with two new SS fuel tanks, dual poly water tanks, poly holding tank, SS bowsprit, SS boomkin with boarding ladder, SS boom gallows, a Simpson Lawrence 555 Sea Tiger windlass, Force 10 propane stove & oven, spun fiberglass propane bottle in SS mount on the port quarter, SS mast pulpit with teak pin rail and bronze pins, classic teak P&S nav light boxes with traditional Perko oil & electric navigation lights, Perko oil & electric stern light, auxiliary Perko oil anchor light, mast-head electric anchor and task lights, C-Head composting toilet, new running rigging, new AC and DC electrical wiring with Blue Seas distribution panels and switches, an ICOM IC-422 VHF transceiver as well as an ICOM IC-M72 Handheld VHF transceiver, Garmin 541S Chart Plotter / Depth Sounder on swing away arm, Cape Horn wind vane, and a multitude of smaller accessories were installed since launching.  I’m asking $59,900, less than half of what I’ve invested in her.

    Second Wind is located at Waterline Marina, Melbourne, FL. For more information and additional photos contact:

    Tom Koehl


    260-450-9024 (mobile)

    12 files
    Last modified: September 03, 2020 1:00 PM | Deleted user
  • September 12, 2020 1:49 PM
    Reply # 9231070 on 9210261
    Deleted user

    Just to update my listing, for more details go to the site www.westsail.info/SecondWnd/

    Home phone is 321-305-4739.  -Thanks for looking!

  • September 24, 2020 7:43 AM
    Reply # 9262090 on 9210261

    I hope you enjoyed using her enough!  Good luck.  I saw her last year when I came down.  Brought jasmine home to fix her and sail her until retirement.

    rich morpurgo

  • December 08, 2020 7:21 AM
    Reply # 9413570 on 9210261
    Deleted user

    With a tear in my eye I have to report that “Second Wind” has sold.  She was a great love and a wonderful experience, but all good things must come to an end.  I could never have successfully restored her without the input from a score of experienced Westsailors, especially Bud Taplin.  I thank all of you.  There may be another boat in my future, but she will be smaller, trailerable, and better suited to lakes and lagoons.  I’m thinking perhaps a catboat with a gaff rig, something I’ve always wanted to play with.  

    Just for the record, the surveyor who inspected “Second Wind” remarked to me that it was obvious that I was a bit OCD about my boat.  I took that as a compliment!  If you cannot properly maintain your boat you shouldn’t own one!  Fair winds and following seas to all.

  • December 10, 2020 6:13 PM
    Reply # 9421014 on 9210261
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tom thanks for the update and do keep in touch with us - your contribution to the community is appreciated... I'm looking forward to your trailerable boat -- I'm sure you need my suggestions -- so how about one of these? 

    Fair winds... 


  • September 18, 2022 10:58 AM
    Reply # 12923303 on 9210261
    Deleted user


    I’m late to the chat, today being 9/18/22, but I want to report on Second Wind.  Tom invested way more than money into Second Wind.  He invested more than time.  Tom invested love and soul.  His heavy heart is my joyful heart.  

    I took over the caretaking responsibility of this fine lady in December of 2020.  Tom and I sailed her on Florida’s Atlantic Coast for several months before I brought her to Florida’s Gulf Coast in April 2021.  

    I’m doing some refitting for an Atlantic crossing I hope to accomplish one day.  I’m not going to relate any painful and time consuming supply chain stories.  Let’s just say that Second Wind is back in the water now and ready for me to learn her secrets.  

    Nothing in that last paragraph should be construed, directly or indirectly, about the nearly pristine condition of Second Wind when I got her.  Tom’s craftsmanship is top notch and we became fast friends after meeting.  I look forward to Tom and his son joining me soon for some new memories and some old memories.  


  • September 18, 2022 11:24 AM
    Reply # 12923349 on 9210261
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Congrats on getting her back in the water and underway again. Sounds like she is in great condition. 


  • September 18, 2022 11:50 AM
    Reply # 12923368 on 9210261
    Deleted user

    Thanks Jay!!!

    She’s absolutely beautiful.  

    im eager to explore Florida.   Quite a difference from little Brookville Lake in Indiana on a J/24.  


    Last modified: September 18, 2022 11:50 AM | Deleted user
  • September 24, 2022 12:22 AM
    Reply # 12930738 on 9413570
    Deleted user

    Second Wind looks great I'm sure you hated to say goodbye.  I'm looking at buying a Westsail 32.  You talked about maybe thinking about a gaf rig.  I have a Cornish Shrimper 19 gaf rig boat with a inboard 1GM10 Yanmar.  Great little trailerable boat.  I keep mine in the water year around in Rota Spain.  It's a good choice if you want to go smaller.  Not sure how many are in the states but there are a few.



    Anonymous wrote:

    With a tear in my eye I have to report that “Second Wind” has sold.  She was a great love and a wonderful experience, but all good things must come to an end.  I could never have successfully restored her without the input from a score of experienced Westsailors, especially Bud Taplin.  I thank all of you.  There may be another boat in my future, but she will be smaller, trailerable, and better suited to lakes and lagoons.  I’m thinking perhaps a catboat with a gaff rig, something I’ve always wanted to play with.  

    Just for the record, the surveyor who inspected “Second Wind” remarked to me that it was obvious that I was a bit OCD about my boat.  I took that as a compliment!  If you cannot properly maintain your boat you shouldn’t own one!  Fair winds and following seas to all.

  • October 08, 2022 2:11 PM
    Reply # 12947277 on 9210261
    Deleted user

    A bit has happened since my last post.  Hurricane Ian paid Second wind a visit and she powered through it with some cosmetic damage and bent stainless steel.  She was less than 30 miles from the eye.  With that in mind…

    The miraculousness of Second Wind’s journey continues.  

    I was at the marina today cleaning up some damp stuff. I encountered this nice trio from Maine.  James, who now lives in Port Charlotte, was the fellow who tied up Second Wind in the new slip after she tore loose from her original spot.  

    Much to my surprise, he told me that when he got to the marina at 7:30 the morning after the hurricane that Second Wind was just sitting happily in her new slip minding her own business.  

    That’s right, he didn’t tow her to the slip, she got there all by herself!!!  She’s blessed.

    The red circle at the far end of the marina is her mast.  She started in the yellow circle.  You can search for “Gasparilla Marina” on YouTube to see some videos of the storm damage.  The folks at Gasparilla Marina are absolutely wonderful and I’m hopeful they will rebuild.

    5 files
    Last modified: October 11, 2022 10:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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