Boat never finished asking 25000 .
Phone number is 248 342 2939 must sell .
Price drop to 15000 with 50000 invested , must sell.
Anonymous wrote: Project boat with 60 hp Perkins and many new parts over 50000 spent asking 15000 , never finished.
Project boat with 60 hp Perkins and many new parts over 50000 spent asking 15000 , never finished.
Do you have this boat listed anywhere else?
No The boat has many new parts not installed. Please call me at 12483422939 and we can talk. The boat is a old / new Westsail hull deck and mast , never used.
I have hull 718, also never launched. I’ve shared your listing on the Westsail owners Facebook page which is much more active than the forum here. Best of luck!
Where is the boat located?
Rochester michigan
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